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  • Tracking Pixels

The plugin provides a variety of the most common tracking pixels for e-commerce such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, Meta (Facebook), Microsoft Ads and more.

You can use just one, or a selection of tracking pixels that suite your own purpose best.

The plugin covers all the core features that each pixel provides. New features (and beta features) are added to the development roadmap frequently.

  • Powerful control layer, yet simple to use

The design principles for the plugin are simplicity and accuracy. That means we designed the user interface to be simple to use. At the same time we pay a lot of attention to the logic beneath the surface to make the tracking pixels work as accurate as technically possible.

The plugin's powerful, internal pixel manager controls all the pixels and their settings, while making it very easy for the user to adjust the behavior globally.

Wherever possible, the internal pixel manager automatically detects the best settings for the specific environment which allows to keep the user interface uncluttered and as light as possible.

And, the plugin is very developer friendly. It provides hooks and filters to enable users to adjust the plugin behavior in ways that we didn't think of.

  • Privacy features

Privacy concerns and new regulation have driven a development of many new Consent Management Platforms (CMPs). At the same time the pixel providers (like Google and Meta (Facebook)) have implemented new features into their tracking pixels that give the website visitors much more control over the data collected.

The plugin integrates seamlessly with the most popular Consent Management Platforms and implements all the new tracking pixel privacy features available to date.

Pro Features Principles

When we decide to include a feature into the Pro version rather than the Free version there are several considerations we make. Following we'll explain a few of the principles:

  • New features (like beta features) will only become available for users of the Pro version.
  • If a new feature is essential for the working of the free version we will make it available to the users of the free version as soon as possible.
  • Complex features that generate a high volume of support requests will only be available for users of the Pro version.
  • The subscriptions for the Pro version must cover the costs for giving support and further improving the plugin (for the Pro version and the Free version).



Google Universal Analytics✔️✔️
Google Analytics 4✔️✔️
Google Ads✔️✔️
Microsoft Ads✔️
Twitter Ads✔️
Pinterest Ads✔️
Snapchat Ads✔️

General Features

The following features are implemented in all pixels (as long as the specific pixel supports that type of feature).

Purchase transaction ID✔️✔️
Purchase currency✔️✔️
Basic order deduplication✔️✔️
Advanced order deduplication✔️
Ignore orders where the payment failed✔️✔️
Different Types of Order Total Calculation✔️✔️
Localized by professional translators✔️✔️
Environment checks✔️✔️
Event processing on lazy loaded products✔️✔️
Compatibility modes for various JavaScript optimizers✔️✔️
Custom conversions with shortcodes✔️✔️
Conversion value filter for custom order total calculation✔️✔️


Consent mode✔️✔️
Cross domain linker✔️✔️
User ID tracking✔️

Google Analytics

Standard e-commerce tracking✔️✔️
Enhanced e-commerce tracking✔️1 2 3
Enhanced link attribution✔️✔️
Product item data✔️✔️
Scroll Tracking✔️
Phone Click Tracking✔️
Add multiple conversion pixels (filter)✔️✔️
All business verticals✔️
All dynamic remarketing events✔️✔️
Cart item tracking✔️✔️
Conversion tracking✔️✔️
Enhanced Conversions✔️
Conversion Adjustments✔️
Phone conversion tracking✔️
Purchase currency✔️✔️
Purchase transaction ID✔️✔️
Retail business vertical✔️✔️

Meta (Facebook)

All dynamic remarketing events✔️✔️
Conversion API (CAPI)✔️
Purchase currency✔️✔️
Subsriptions tracking✔️

Microsoft Ads

Purchase event tracking✔️
All dynamic remarketing events✔️
Purchase currency✔️

Twitter Ads

Purchase event tracking✔️
All dynamic remarketing events✔️
Purchase transaction ID✔️
Purchase currency✔️

Pinterest Ads

Purchase event tracking✔️
All dynamic remarketing events✔️
Purchase transaction ID✔️
Purchase currency✔️

Snapchat Ads

Purchase event tracking✔️
Purchase transaction ID✔️
Purchase currency✔️
All dynamic remarketing events✔️

TikTok Ads

Purchase event tracking✔️
Purchase transaction ID✔️
Purchase currency✔️
All dynamic remarketing events✔️

Plugin Compatibility List

For one or another reason we've tested the Pixel Manager together with third party plugins. The following list shows which third party plugins we've tested and how well the Pixel Manager works along with them. This is not an exhaustive list and we'll add more case by case.

If a third plugin is marked with full compatibility, you shouldn't expect any issues. Plugins that we've marked with partial compatibility have proven to break the output of the Pixel Manager under certain conditions and lead to unexpected behavior.

General Plugins

Yoast SEO✔️
** * Google Site Kit**✔️

* We have seen that using Google Site Kit alongside with the Pixel Manager can cause purchases not to be tracked in Google Analytics. We're not sure yet if this happens on all installs or just when certain settings in Google Site Kit are enabled.

WooCommerce Extensions

CartFlows for WooCommerce✔️
Cost of Goods for WooCommerce (WPFactory)✔️
WooCommerce Brands✔️
WooCommerce Composite Products✔️
WooCommerce Cost of Goods (SkyVerge)✔️
WooCommerce Deposits✔️
WooCommerce Google Product Feed✔️
** * WooCommerce Product Bundles**✔️
WooCommerce Subscriptions✔️
WooCommerce Wishlists✔️
** ** FunnelKit**✔️
YITH WooCommerce Brands✔️
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist✔️
Woo Discount Rules✔️
WP Marketing Robot Feed Manager✔️

* WooCommerce Product Bundles: At the moment support is only partial. The total conversion value for all pixels for a purchase is calculated correctly. But not all dynamic remarketing events fire and the values for the dynamic remarketing events might not be correct. As the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin has several options that can affect the output for dynamic remarketing in a wide range, the implementation is complex. If you are a user of that plugin go over to our roadmap and give it a thumbs up: roadmap

** FunnelKit is using an uncommon approach for upsell funnels (multiple purchases in a row). When using such upsells the Pixel Manager doesn't work as expected and you'll have to disable the Pixel Manager purchase conversion pixel. You will lose order duplication prevention, total order value settings, etc.

JavaScript Optimization Plugins

Pluginfullpartialnot yet tested
Async JavaScript✔️
LiteSpeed Cache✔️
SiteGround Optimizer✔️
WP Rocket✔️
W3 Total Cache✔️
Swift Performance✔️
WP Fastest Cache✔️
WP Super Cache✔️
PageSpeed Ninja✔️
Comet Cache✔️

If a plugin that you are using has not been tested yet, please put in a feature request which will allow us to prioritize it. Feature requests can be posted on our roadmap.

Caching Plugins and Server Side Caching

Pluginfullpartialnot yet tested
WP Rocket✔️
W3 Total Cache✔️
LiteSpeed Cache✔️
** * LiteSpeed ESI**✔️
SG Optimizer✔️
WP Fastest Cache✔️
WP Optmimize✔️
WP Super Cache✔️
Cloudflare Plugin✔️
WP Engine✔️

* LiteSpeed ESI: Due to some limitations of WooCommerce and WordPress we can't ship the Litespeed ESI feature to the distribution of the Pixel Manager. All other Pixel Manager distributions (like the one from on and are not affected by this limitation.


If a particular plugin or hosting provider is not on the list doesn't mean that it is not working. It only means that we haven't tested it yet. Send us a feature request here or to

Borlabs Cookie✔️
GDPR Cookie Consent✔️
Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA✔️

* Only if the "Compatibility Mode" is enabled in the plugin.


Fixing issues caused by our plugins✔️✔️
Support within 5 business days✔️✔️
Support within 24h (during business days)✔️


Make more money from your ads with high-precision tracking